Plant A Tree
A Living, Lasting Tribute To Your Loved One
Celebrate your loved one’s life with a tree.
A beautiful way to memorialize the life your loved one lived is to plant a tree in their honor. A tree is a thoughtful way to express your sympathy and allow the memory of someone special to live on by bringing new life to a forest.

Plant A Tree In Memory
Have a tree or several trees planted in a forest in your loved one’s name. To plant a tree in someone's name, simply choose your gift level below. Each tree purchase comes with a customized e-certificate commemorating the planting.
Which Living Tribute Package is Right for Me?

Memorial Tree
(1 Tree)

Tribute Grove
(5 Trees)

Legacy Wood
(10 Trees)

A Meaningful Tribute
A tree planted in honor of a loved one will keep their memory alive among friends and family for generations to come. Planting a tree is a beautiful gesture with significance and life-affirming symbolism.

A Greener Way To Give
We partner with American Forests, a non-profit organization, to plant trees where they’re needed most. Each tree planted helps create a healthier forest – slowing climate change and promoting social equity by planting trees in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Where Your Memorial Trees Will Be Planted
Discover the cities and forests across North America where our partner, American Forests, is currently working to restore large forest landscapes.

Q: How long after I order are my trees planted?
A: Planting times and locations are entirely up to the US Forest Service - planting is generally done in the Spring or Fall.
Q: Where will my tree(s) be planted? Can I visit them?
A: All trees will be planted on public land in a national or state forest. American Forests conserves and restores North American forests throughout the United States and in parts of Canada and Mexico.
Q: Can I select what type of tree I want to plant?
A: Unfortunately, not at this time. The species of trees planted by American Forests vary based on the area where the tree will be planted. In every case, the species will be one that was native to the region being replanted. For example, if an area of woodlands was destroyed by fire, native trees will be planted after the area has had time to heal from the fire.
Q: Can I choose where I want the tree to be planted?
A: The location of where the trees are planted is based on need.
Q: Will I get something in return?
A: You will receive a personalized e-certificate commemorating your memorial tree contribution.